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1) Do not abuse your posting privileges, repetitively doing so will warrant your ban from the forums
2) Treat others the way you want to be treated. We all have something to contribute to discussion, and if you flame someone that is just asking for either a post war or the removal of the flamed person. 3) Obey global and forum moderators, if they tell you not to do something there is probably good reason and if you do not comply then you will be removed from the forum. Continual breaking of the listed above rules will result in the removal of privileges depending on how serious the situation is. You will receive a warning first, then upon repetitive failure to uphold the rules will get your IP banned never allowing you to access the forums again. If you agree with all of the above terms proceed to the forum by clicking 'I agree' below. If you do not agree click 'I don't agree' and you will be forwarded back to the main page. I don't agree |