Guard Team Leader: Skull
Favored Type: Virus
Guard Team Mascot: DemiDevimon
Guard Team Values: Power and Authority
Guard Team Members: Skull, Chris Conner, Karen Bates, Sheena
The Black Sword Guard Team is probably the most interesting out of all of the other guard teams. It has more of a dark aurora to it, and the atmosphere is always kind of murky. The Black Sword song is evil sounding, but in a cool way. Black Swords are more democratic than the others; they always invite change.
Skull is the Guard Team leader for the Black Swords, also known as the 'Black Comet'. He is probably the least known of the 3 and is last in command should anything happen to the other two. His Guard Team tends to be slower and less in the spotlight then the other two. Skull seems to have gotten a bit pigheaded because of this and sometimes throughout the game you can detect a hint of jealousy. One example being, "Alright, get there first before the other guard teams do." For the collesium tournement I don't know what he was thinking, but his team needs to be trained up a little, it seems that he has gotten lazy over the years. His team consists of Hagurumon, Puppetmon, and DemiDevimon. 2 rookies and a mega..pretty self-explanitory.
The Black Sword tamers are more on the dark and scrutinizing side. They all have a lot of experience under their belts, not to mention age. Chris Conner is interested in your power as even Zudokorn has talked good about you from the training missions. He kind of looks down to you like a father would. He is the authority of the other Black Swords. Karen Bates is just plain interesting. She hardly ever pops up throughout the game and when she does she looks down upon you. As for Sheena, she is the most interesting of the bunch. She is the rookie tamer in the Black Swords, but she is nothing like the others. She is quiet and shy and joined the Black Swords to become stronger. She is incredibly polite and for a shy girl pretty powerful. I personally think she would have been better on Blue Faclons...
Black Swords is a cool team to be on. Skull has a bit of attitude that you can learn to appreciate and respect. There is always something fun about being on a team that has kind of a dark image around it, because everyone seems skeptical about you. I personally think this team is fun too. Not to mention the awesome Virus types by your side.