The US has released it's first ever Digimon PSX game. In this game you have been sucked into your Digital Keychain which in turn you get to explore the Digital World. Along with your partner Digimon who eats, sleeps, poops, and dies you must save the last Digital City on File Island.
After you have been sucked into your keychain, Jijimon, the head of authority in File City tells you that tame Digimon that once lived in the city have mysteriously become wild and moved out. The city has been left in shambles and it is your duty to bring back all the once tame Digimon back to create a flourishing city in which you can buy items, level up or feed your Digimon, enter tournements and numerous other things.
All in all for the first Digimon game that they have produced in attempt to model the show, they did a pretty bang up job. The fun factor is always there for first time and replaying. I really enjoy this game. Supposedly this game is really hard to find now so if you have one hang on to it and if you don't have one search Gamestop or E-bay for one as you are really missing out!